EQ Cafe: Empathy & Conflict

Do you Flight, Flee or Freeze in Conflict?

The word conflict comes from the Latin verb ‘confligere’ that is composed by cum (with) and fligere (fight) and that implies that conflict involves two or more parties coming together. Even when we refer to an inner conflict, there are two or multiple sides of us arguing about something! Since conflict involves multiple perspectives, effectively solving conflict requires seeing those perspectives. That’s empathy!

With empathy, we can see different points of view, understand and appreciate the whole spectrum of people’s feelings, and then we might be able to find common ground.
Join this interactive “EQ Café” to explore how emotional intelligence can help us be better at conflict as we practice EQ together.

Emotional intelligence (aka “EQ”) means being smarter with feelings — and we can grow EQ by practicing together. EQ Cafés are insightful, engaging sessions for people curious about emotional intelligence to connect and learn together.

In this Café we will discover:

● What does conflict mean?
● What are our ways to deal with conflicts (especially in this digital era and in this moment of extreme polarization)?
● How can EQ and empathy help us to face, deal with, and solve conflicts?

Who: Anyone interested in learning about and practicing emotional intelligence – the learnable, measurable, scientifically validated skillset we all need to thrive.
What: Free interactive workshop
When: 23rd February 2022
Where: Zoom platform
Time:   10h00-11h30

  • Date : 23-02-2022
  • Reg. Deadline : 22-02-2022 12:00 am